( ‘span’, attrs = ‘name’ : ’nv’) is how we can grab attributes of that specific tag.find_all() is the method we’ll use to grab both of the tags.container is what we used in our for loop for iterating over each time.nv is an entirely new variable we’ll use to hold both the votes and the gross tags.#19- 14 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview Question.#17- Blanket Statements Do Not Help Define NFTs.#16- Will Liquid-Cooled Miners Dominate the 3rd Hashrate Revolution?.#15- The Objective Need for Decentralization: Reality Consensus.
#14- How to Make a Web App User Interface with Python. #13- Python vs JavaScript: Main Differences, Performance Comparison, and Areas of Application. #12- How to Hack Facebook Accounts: 5 Common Vulnerabilities. #11- How to Use DeepAR For AR Effects on Amazon IVS Live Streams. #10- Cake DeFi has Given Out $317 Million in Rewards as of Q1 2022. #9- How to Set Up Affordable Text Messaging for Small Businesses. #8- Adding DAO Governance to Existing Token Contracts. #7- Cronos Establishes $100 Million War Chest to Launch Accelerator Program. #6- An 80% Reduction in Standard Audience Calculation Time. #5- The Future of NFTs In The Web3 Economy.
#4- IoT in Manufacturing: What you Need to Know.
#3- 3 Surprising Benefits of Biotin Gummies. #2- Using Daml to Create Blockchain NFT-Based Customer Experiences. #1- Spray, Pray, and Go Away: Investing is an Art. Cyber Deterrence is More Important than Nuclear Deterrence. Problem-Based Learning: David Merrill's Principles of Instruction. The Crazy Rise of Crazy Eddie: How an Electronics Store in the 80s Tricked Investors.